
Welcome to my traveler's journal!

Travel on the horizon

So after graduating from Capilano with my BBA and gaining over a years  experience at New-Line Hose and Fittings, I've come to the decision that this is the time in my life when I need to go out and see the world!

It's time for me to get all of my loose ends tied up and get some cash together for a plane ticket to New Zealand. It will take some serious discipline to adhere to a strict budget in order to get my visa and required safety net in place, but I definitely think I can accomplish it within 1-1.5 months.

 This will definitely be a working / backpacking excursion, and I wouldn't have it any other way! During the last summer months I gained valuable hiking experience on trails that vary from the leisurely wandering paths of Chekamaus Lake, to the extreme slopes and weather of Place Glacier.

Wish me luck!

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