
Welcome to my traveler's journal!

Previous Work

Just to start the ball rolling, I'd like to mention a group project from my Advertising class last semester.

The assignment was to create a complete mock-up advertising campaign for a large corporation. Our entire class was split up into teams, each required to produce an innovative marketing strategy for a different client. Our team chose Cypress Mountain. After completion, all teams had to pitch the plan to their "client" (a panel of judges comprised of several instructors and a few media experts) with hopes of them signing on. This was a full competition, with an automatic 100% mark for the final exam up for grabs.

The results: We won!

Our team was decided to have the most creative pitch, and was awarded near full marks for the project and an exemption from the final exam. :D

I'll have the project posted for viewing as soon as I get permission from my other team mates.

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